Do all expats need to file your US federal tax return?

Expatfile tax questions illustration
Expatfile tax questions illustration

It could be that you don’t need to file a US expat return, but then you should not meet the following thresholds for tax year 2023:

Single (younger than 65 years)$13,850
Single (65 years or older)$15,700
Married filed jointly (both under 65 years)$27,700
Married filed jointly (both 65 years or over)$31,400
Married Filed Separately, any age$5
Head of Household (under 65 years)$20,800
Head of Household (65 years or over)$22,650
Qualifying widow(er) (under 65 years)$27,700
Qualifying widow(er) (65 years or over)$29,550

Also be aware of the exception for self-employment income. If you earn $400 or more, you need to file a US federal income tax return.

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