This website is controlled and maintained by LLC, a limited liability company organized in the state of Delaware, the United States of America, having its registered office at 1201 Orange Street Suite 600, One Commerce Center, Wilmington 19801, Delaware; registered with the Secretary of the State of Delaware under file number 7453323 (ʺExpatfileʺ). LLC will hereafter also be referred to as “we” or “us”. The visitor and/or user of this website will hereafter be referred to as “you”.
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We endeavor to continuously maintain and update this website. However, we do not guarantee that the information and/or content of (parts of) this website is complete, accurate and/or accessible. The information and/or content of (parts of) this website may be changed or deleted at any moment, without prior notification. You use the information and/or content of (parts of) this website for your own account. Therefore, you indemnify us on our first demand against whatever (third party) claims and/or liabilities that may derive from your use of the information and/or content of (parts of) this website.
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We endeavor to our best ability to prevent that (the information and/or content on) this website (or parts thereof) infringe(s) third party intellectual property rights. However, if you think that (the information and/or content on) this website (or parts thereof) infringe(s) your intellectual property rights, you should notify us via [email protected].
Expatfile, its affiliated companies and/or personnel are not liable for damage that may in whatever manner result from (the use of) the information and/or content on and/or the impossibility to acquire access to this website. The burden of proof of any liability rests on you, the user of the website.
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